So Christmas came and went just like it seems to every year! This was the first year I didn't wake up at the crack of dawn and run downstairs- guess that means I'm getting old. Oh well, what are ya gunna do?

For Christmas, I got my mom and brother tickets to see the Washington Capitals play in January. They loved it (thank god because it nearly broke my bank account) and I couldn't be more excited. On the bank account note, I think I'm going to have to put my credit cards in water and freeze them like they did in Confessions of a Shopoholic- that way you have to defrost it to buy something. And honestly, who has the patience for that? Sounds like the perfect way to keep my spending at bay.

It's always great to spend time with family and eat a lot and only feel a little guilty. Time for the gym? I hope that a million people don't decide to be healthy and come to my gym because it is already crowded and I'm selfish with my gym equipment. Does that make me a bad person? Whoops.

I asked for mainly money to replace my camera and kindle which were stolen while I was in Paris. So I'm on the lookout for a good deal! I am also looking at the google chrome books for taking notes in class even though I have an iPad...

I feel like I've been traveling nonstop since Florida. I'm currently on a greyhound to NYC and then I'm headed to West Virginia for some skiing next weekend. I can't wait to get the school and be settled!

Hope y'all have had a great holiday season and now for New Year's Eve!


Also my sister ordered a custom ornament for my grandparents for Christmas and this is the one they sent- who has two children named Jason? And pandora? Or better yet what kinda name is Pagan???! Weird! So now it's hanging as a humorous reminder of some silly family!

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